Well being that I wasn't born in time to experience anything from Michael during the Thriller and Bad Era(thanks mom and dad)
I'll tell you what I can remember about the Dangerous Era.
I can't recall how old I was at the time but I have a distinct memory of seeing Remember The Time on BET. When I tell you I thought he was the most amazing performer and good looking singer out there I'm NOT joking. My dad would buy like every Michael Jackson cassette there was and we would jam in his car all day long. Yes I know cassettes remember those? Til this very day I can still see myself as little girl sitting in front of the TV singing along to RTT thinking wow he's cute. As time went on my love for him never faltered. He went through his up and downs but like he said he had rhinoceros(wow I was thinking of a dinosaur when I was typing rhinoceros)skin and that was as clear as day. Michael will always be the best no matter what is spewing from the media. I know myself and the MJfandom will do whatever we can to keep Michaels legacy alive.
In my eyes I'll always Remember The Times that I got to see the King of Pop do his thing. I'm so proud to say that I got to experience the magic of Michael Joseph Jackson.

I can't recall how old I was at the time but I have a distinct memory of seeing Remember The Time on BET. When I tell you I thought he was the most amazing performer and good looking singer out there I'm NOT joking. My dad would buy like every Michael Jackson cassette there was and we would jam in his car all day long. Yes I know cassettes remember those? Til this very day I can still see myself as little girl sitting in front of the TV singing along to RTT thinking wow he's cute. As time went on my love for him never faltered. He went through his up and downs but like he said he had rhinoceros(wow I was thinking of a dinosaur when I was typing rhinoceros)skin and that was as clear as day. Michael will always be the best no matter what is spewing from the media. I know myself and the MJfandom will do whatever we can to keep Michaels legacy alive.
In my eyes I'll always Remember The Times that I got to see the King of Pop do his thing. I'm so proud to say that I got to experience the magic of Michael Joseph Jackson.
Your dad seemed to be really cool with MJ, that's great. I really feel the same like you... not being born or being too young to witness the pre-Dangerous eras.