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Tha Thriller Prerogative

Tha Thriller Prerogative

Member Since 27 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 26 2012 01:31 AM
My 1st day on this website, and I love it already! :"). Updated 27 Jun · 0 comments

About Me

HELLO LADIES AND GENTLEMAN!!!!!! :D. My name is Simone Nicole Vice. :). I am 19 years old. I've been a Michael Jackson fan for as long as I can remember. Michael, along with other musicians and entertainers, inspired me to build a safehaven of music around myself. There is not one day in my life that I don't play music. Music is my life, and my biggest inspiration. I'm also an aspiring musician......well, sort of. lol. I guess playing electric guitar makes me a musician.......right? lol. I hope I'm right. Anyway, I write my own songs, amd it's the best feeling in the world; to create music. I see why Michael enjoyed creating so much. :). Well I don't wanna waste this on some long ass story, so lets try to make tgis as short as possible. lol

I describe myself as similar to Michael in may ways; I LOVE helping people, which is why I went into the medical field in the first place. I'm a very sweet, gentle, understanding person who accepts almost anybody that I encounter. The only people that I don't accept, however, are judgemental people, people who discriminate anybody based on race, gender, religion, etc. Those type of ignorant people are my biggest pet peeve, espesually since they are the ones who destroyed Michael's career. :"(.  I LOVE MICHAEL SO MUCH! My favorite albums from him are Off The Wall and Thriller. Off The Wall is my top favorite, simply because it was an introduction to what was to come from Michael's amazing talent. In my opinion, it picked up a little bit where The Jacksons' Destiny album left off. :). And Thriller, of course, is so amazing! It's like a mixture of different genres into one. You can NEVER have a favorite song from that album because the WHOLE album is great! Man, I wish albums were like that nowadays. Well, I'm gonna end this for now. I hope you have enjoyed reading this little section about me, even though it's so long! lol. Thanks everyone! And keep on Michaeling!!! :D

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  • Active Posts 0
  • Profile Views 2,387
  • Member Title Newbie
  • Age 31 years old
  • Birthday December 3, 1992
  • Gender
    Female Female
  • Location
    Coney Island, Brooklyn, NY
  • Interests
    Music, Poetry, mostly all types of literature, World Pease (not really an interest, but one dream that I yearn for)., etc. (for now, lol)

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