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My Introduction

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My name is Constance I am so to be 46, my birhtday is exactly one week after Michael's. I like Michael,have 3 children, though I have 2 girls and 1 boy. I was borne and raised in the midwest. I always wanted to meet Michael and never was blessed with the opportunity, my greatest regret. I am currently working towards my Bachelours in Business Adminstration and look to relocate to a much warmer climate something is lots of sun, sand and surf. My most proudest accomplishments in life are my three beautiful and smart children. I have enjoyed making wonderful memories with them over the years. I love Michael with all that I am and I am so sad and lost without him. I am told it gets better over time but it hasn't for me. I have some relief when I think of him, which I do everyday. I smile and laugh just thinking of what Michael would be doing right now or how he would handle this situation. My world has always been brighter, more magical because of him, he give me hope when all hope is lost. Because of him I am a better person. I can not pick a favourite song as I love everything he does, or rather did. I could hear his messages loud and clear and each one means so much to me for different reasons.

Edited by cjluvsmj4ever, 27 August 2010 - 01:41 PM.

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